Simplicity 2446 - Amazing Fit Jacket Pattern
Progress pic I've had this pattern in my stash for a few years but never made it until now. Crunch time came last weekend when I found out on Saturday that I would be having a job interview on Monday. Now you may wonder why I don't have a jacket in my wardrobe to wear for a job interview. Well as it turns out I am retired and wasn't expecting this opportunity that fell into my lap more or less out of the blue. I wear a 14 in big 4 patterns, but my pattern is the larger grouping starting at 16. Most of my Saturday was spend tracing and grading down the pattern, then making my usual length adjustment of 1" in the bodice. I wasn't sure what to do with the sleeve, because after doing the math including 1/2" for shoulder pads it looked like they would be ok. However, experience is that sleeves are often short on me. I decided to add 1/2" to the sleeves to be safe. Long story short, even after sewing until 1am on Sunday night I en...