Still Alive and Kicking
Can I start out with a brag moment here? DD applied to a contest held by the local newspaper and won being one of three young women featured in their prom special coming out in a couple of weeks. The paper took them out and bought them each a dress, and had hair and makeup done for the feature. Since DD already had her prom dress she picked a beautiful cocktail dress that will suit her for years to come. Am I allowed to say here that I have the most beautiful daughter in the whole wide world? That's a Mom's priviledge, isn't it? The interesting thing is that they didn't even look at the pics the girls submitted until they had chosen the winners based on their essays. I've not been very good about posting lately, or even commenting on other blogs. Work has been crazy including several out of town meetings (London, Oakville and then Port Elgin) that mess me up for a whole week for each one. The good news is that I get my yarn fixes in on these trips. I got to...