A New Life - and Deer!

Once again a long time has gone by since my last post.  My life has been very busy, but in a nutshell I've sold my house, moved in with my mother while my new house was being built and have now moved into the new house.  During all of this the covid 19 pandemic hit, which added layers of challenges to be able to do all that needed to be done.  It has been a double edged sword though as being confined to the house has given me time to get organized.  I've never been as far along that road so quickly after a move.

Anyway I am going to try and document much of the wildlife I encounter at my new home, both flora and fauna.  If nothing else it may help me remember the names and nature of things that I look up along the way.  I will start with the deer.

It took a long time before I actually saw any deer.  I constantly ran across their tracks across the building site but even though I was living next door I never actually saw any until living in the house.  

Yesterday I watched a momma bound away across the bean field with one of her two fawns while leaving the other to hide near my house.  From what I am reading this is entirely normal.  The doe will hide the fawns separately and leave them alone for hours on end which helps prevent her drawing predators to them.  Then she returns to check on them and feed them periodically.

I spent way too much time watching and obsessing over this little one, but mother nature has done a pretty good job without me micromanaging things so I am going to assume that momma has come back to tend to junior at some point.  I haven't seen it yet this morning, so I don't know if it is still there or not.  I can only see it (and just barely) when it stands up.  I am going to trust that it is fine.


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