October Chores

 A few good things happened this weekend.  First, I've been waiting all summer for my yard-leveling guy to come and finish my yard.  Every week it's been "I'll be there next week".  Well he finally showed up yesterday, and today there is a bulldozer and a tractor-pulled rototiller busy working away.  That makes me a happy girl.  I've been worried that if it didn't happen soon my septic system would freeze - not good!  Also I have bulbs to go in the ground.  I planted my daffodils around my clump of trees (on the left in the above pic) a few weeks ago but still need to bury 40 crocus bulbs.

Also today I got outside and dug up my summer flowers to put in the compost pile and put away the planters.  I also closed up the back porch.  I put the hosta planters up against the walls hoping that will help them to survive the winter, and all the cushions went down the basement.  

Finally, we agreed that my poor apricot tree (on the right in the top pic) that I tried so hard to transition from wild pastureland to domestic front yard didn't survive being under water during construction this spring.  It hasn't had a single leaf on it since early June; it's dead.  So we cut it down.  Sigh.


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